
Thinking of Hiring a Coach or Therapist?


Consider these 5 things before you commit:

  1. Meaningful, lasting change can take time: time to explore, time to process and time to integrate.

  2. A positive connection with your coach or therapist is often more important than the modality.

  3. Being clear about what you want to work through is important and it can take a session or two to gain clarity.

  4. The best client-practitioner relationships are collaborative. It is the practitioner’s job to create and hold a non-judgemental space and to set realistic expectations when necessary. It is the client’s job to be as honest and forthcoming as possible and to be willing to grow and learn.

  5. It is OK to change your mind about what you thought you wanted and about what you thought you were ready for. You get to choose, and you get to move at a pace that is right for you. Coaching and therapy is about your well-being.

Still interested?